Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Well, it has been some time since I've written. I enjoy catching up on the things of those around me so I only think it fair that I update my life.
I am finishing my 4th block of classes which is great. I've been taking classes since June last year and have had 3 weeks break. I have done really well up intil this last block. I just feel like I am getting burned out. I'm going to take a week off and try to get back into a comfortable groove.
A couple Sundays ago, a gal from my ward asked me to sing with her during sacrament. I have trouble being the center of attention and try to refrain at all costs to be in the spot light. I didn't tell her no because I need to get over my fear. I know that others don't want to be up at the podium as much as I do. No one is there to judge. Anyway she and I sang a duet. When He Comes Again CS p 82. I sang the melody and the other gal sang harmony. It sounded really beautiful. It has two versus and a friend of hers wrote a third. I've lost the words but I am looking and when I find them, I will post them.
I have been serving in the primary for a 1 1/2 years and love it. I love the teachers and the children I serve. These kids always amaize me. They have wonderful parents and I truely want all that life has to offer them. When I sang this last verse, I thought of those children and my own. I really hope that they seek our Heavenly Father. He loves us so much and wants all of us to return home to Him again. Well anyway my problem with thinking all this while singing, I started to cry at the end. couldnt finish the last bit. I'm a dork. I should learn not to think while sing. I hope someone asks me to sing again. I hope to do better next time.
Kennedy as so Awsome!!! the last 3 days she hasn't pottied in her pants. She wakes and goes potty without waking me!! Sweet! I dreaded the day I had to potty train her but she is doing it alot on her own. Yes I do need to remind her during the day to go potty but she goes and hasnt so far had any accidents. She enjoys chocolate so when she goes potty I break her a peice of candy and let her have some. She doesnt ask for it all the time but it has helped.
We have some friends that live in Vernal, about a half hour away. The kids and I have gone over to go swimming with them. The indoor pool has a playground set for the toddlers. Kennedy is afraid of it. At the top of the playground set, there is a big bucket that fills with water. The bucked spills over dumping all the water inside all over. Kennedy is petrified of this. She looks like she wants to cry when this happens. Needless to say she is really afraid of the water. Yes I know it's odd to have a swimmer mom with kids afraid of the water. I'm really ok with it. I'm not pushing her to enjoy the water. In fact I don't really enjoy just sitting in the water, I'd rather swim laps then get out. But I like to take her and see her learn to enjoy the water. Today she started to jump into the water. She had to have a sure grip on your hands before she jumped in, but she jumped in none the less. She is a great kid. Makes me crazy sometimes but I wouldn't trade her.
Kyler is 10 Months. Holy Cow! I just had the kid and now he is turning a Year pretty soon! The other day he was crawling around the house and I thought how I missed his army crawl. He looked like he was swimming. He would bring his arms all the way around for each crawl and drag his feet. Now he crawls on hands and knees, puts himself in the sitting position and even pulls himself to the standing position. He doesnt have the desire to walk yet and I am ok with that. I want him to be my Ky man for as long as I can. He went swimming with Kennedy and I today and Loved it. I had to hold him so he wouldnt drown himself. He kept wanting to crawl deeper and deeper in the water. so I ended up holding him in deep water and then let him splash around. He enjoyed that.
Kyler is so different than kennedy. They both are such great kids, so full of life and so different. Kennedy is loud and crazy. Kyler is observent. He loves his sister. She can make him laugh so hard. I love to watch the two interact with each other. I've recorded the two just sitting and making each other laugh. It melts your heart, its so cute. They sit right next to each other in the car and can touch each other. Kennedy plays with him so good. Yes some times too much but I keep an eye on them so she doesnt smother him and he doesnt pull her hair out.
Justin my wonderful husband is always working hard so that I may stay home with the kids. He is such a selfless man. Sometimes I neglect to see his work as selfless and maybe selfish when he doesnt want to go out after him working all day to hang out with friends all night long. I try not to give him greif. He still makes me laugh and I love that man so much. I am glad that I can still say that.

Monday, September 14, 2009

As of late..

I am not a very good blogger. Mostly I am not able to organize my thoughts. My kids keep me so busy.

Kennedy always wants to go outside. I have no problem with her going outside but I have to go out there with her. My yard isn't fenced and my closest neighbor is almost a mile away. She could get lost anywhere. So when Kyler is sleeping we go out. She plays with Bear, our dog, and I pull weeds. She enjoys that dog so much. Its fun to watch her. Today she found his food and was holding it in her hand trying to get him to eat some. She was following him around saying "come here."

Tonight Kennedy was so cute. We while we were saying prayers, I let her say her own just to see what she would say. I helped her say Dear Heavenly Father. I said Thank you for this day. Then I said Thank you for... and she said this day. Thank you for this day. Name of Jesus Christ Amen. That was her prayer. It really was super cute.

She sleeps in a full bed. she has two pillows and she points... BED! She would love if we slept with her every night. Yeah that doesn't happen. If anyone is around her, its play time.

Kyler has figured out how to roll over. Sunday September 6 he rolled over for the first time. Yesterday he rolled over 4 times for the entire day. Today this morning I couldnt keep him on his back. He is happy for a while on his back but then he gets mad. If I put him back on his back he gets ticked. This kid isn't happy unless he is held. He quite a spoiled kid. We love him.

Today I fed him carrots with baby oatmeal. He couldnt figure how to eat it off a spoon so I put a little on his Pacifier. He loved it. He ate tons more than he would have off of a spoon. I'm sure he will get the hang of it eventually.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Too soon...

So potty training Kennedy has been on my mind quite a bit lately. OK every time i change her diaper. She just seems so big to me and old enough to figure out how to go to the bathroom by herself. i do have quite a bit of reservations like she can hardly talk how am i going to understand that she needs to go to the bathroom. so i have been teaching her the word potty. I bought her a little potty chair so when she sits on it i say "lets go potty" so she knows where i am talking about when i say potty. She cant pull up or down her pants. she isn't even 2 yet. I figure with practice she will get that down. I'm helping her now but she will get it. she couldn't take her shirt off over her head she figured that out she can do this.
So we got her her little chair i let her drink from her cup and then we sit on the chair. she is watching a movie. i read her books anything to pass the time from just sitting on the chair. poor girl has a red ring on her bum from sitting on the chair so long. ( she has been blessed with her parents flat bum.) Every time i let her up and we put her pants back on she would pee. poor girl i put pull ups on her and if she pees her pants it gets cold. well she peed while she was napping. needless to say she didn't wake up very happy.
Finally Finally she is sitting in her chair and i bring two cups out. one with water and one with out. i pour the water into one cup and then back into the other. i can see her kind of dancing in her chair. she doesn't know what to do. she doesn't have her diaper on. finally she relaxes and goes. she looks at me surprised like "What? Look what i did" We cheer. Yeah you went potty. I let her have a jolly rancher she loves. i hope that she learns to like this. I'm not going to totally push her. I'll take it slow. but i want her to see that going potty like a big girl isn't so bad.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Garden Time!

We have always wanted to plant a garden and this year it had happened. We planted our seeds when my mom was out back on May 3rd. She stayed inside with Kyler because he was still too young to go outside and it was really windy out. Justin told me we had stuff growing while i was searching for something in the fridge. i was so confused. He made it sound like i had who knows what growing in my fridge. Then he made it clear that stuff wasn't growing in the fridge but in the garden. I got all excited and went out to look. We are growing Sugar Snap Peas, Green Beans, Green peas, corn, Yellow and Green Squash, Banana cucumbers, lemon cucumbers, and regular green cucumbers. Tomatoes, Green bell peppers, jalapenos, and raspberries. oh and maybe beets and carrots if they grow. i haven't seen them sprout but i hope they do. yum yum. I never thought I'd say yum to beets but they are pretty good. i have a recipe that call for beets and mandarin oranges. they are really good. it sounds different but its good.
Kennedy is copying everything we say so much. it is really great. at night we usually say prays for her but now we slow down and say a little at a time so she can practice saying the prayer. she wont let us forget one night of prayers. and good for her. It is fun to hear. I'll say bless daddy and she will just say daddy. but Heavenly Father gets the idea. I bet He thinks it's cute too.
Kennedy had been interested in opening and closing doors too. It seems to have started when i was in the hospital with Kyler. the doors have a handle that you just have to pull down and the door will open. super easy for kennedy. so sneeking out of the room was easy for her. since then she has been checking out all the doors everywhere. holding them open closing them. She cant reach all the doors in our house yet, thankfully. She thinks she is a big girl though.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Getting Started

I've probably needed to do this for a while. So many things get to happen here at home that i know if i don't write it down i definitely will forget.
I guess I should introduce our family and tell a little about each person
Justin: What a great guy. I'll probably do all the talking for him since he is mostly working and not as interested in writing his own thoughts down. Justin is such a hard worker. He owns his own semi truck. He hauls crude oil from the basin to the SLC refineries. Justin has always loved the big trucks, even as a little boy. Kennedy and her cousins play with the toy trucks Justin used to play with as a little boy. Justin is such a sweet heart. Justin had to work the night before mothers day. He didnt get home til about 7 or 8 the next morning. I had been up with kyler that night and was so tired. it seemed everytime i put him down he woke up. he loves to sleep with us and it bugs me. i dont like anyone or anything touching me while i sleep. so justin comes home and i look had. He says so do you want to take a nap or do you want me to make you breakfast. i said i want you to watch them while i take a shower. It felt good not having to keep kennedy away from kyler while i try to shower. I get out of the shower and smell justin cooking. He makes the best over easy eggs. He knows how to cook it just how i like it. After i feed kyler he says ok now go take your nap. its 10 am. i slept for 2 1/2 hours. i didnt know i could sleep that long that early in the morning. it felt so nice. Anything i could have been bought couldnt beat that morning that justin gave me for mothers day.
Kennedy: My little 1 year old. She will turn 2 July 3rd. She is almost there. Two years have gone by really fast. She is such a character. Total Drama Queen. She enjoys hanging out with her dad. He is good about taking her outside and taking her for 4 wheeler rides, feeding the cows and horses and playing in dirt. One time while dad and she were feeding the cows she was watching how they eat hay and decided she could eat like them so she bent over and took a big bite of hay and started chomping away. Justin told her to spit it out but couldn't help but laugh. Kennedy will copy anything you do. One time I was talking to her in a Mafia type voice. It was hilarious to hear here talk back. We talked like that with her for the rest of the night.
Kyler: The newest edition to the Freston Family. Born April 22 2009. Weighing in at 7 lb 9 oz. At his recent Dr appointment he weighed 7 lb 15 1/2 oz. That surprised me. I didn't think he would gain his birth weight and some by his 2 week apt. Right now he is your typical infant. Eat, sleep, poo. Not a whole lot of variety in his life. Kennedy was a thumb sucker at his age and has been one ever since. Kyler is not and i am thankful for that for many reasons: its easier to take a pacifier away when he is too old to suck on one, in the winter his thumbs wont shrivel up and crack. I wont have to worry about putting anything to keep from getting infected. He currently sometimes enjoys his portable swing and his chair that sings and vibrates. He sleeps in that chair. its not super upright just back enough for him to sleep. He enjoys waking up in the night and keeping mom awake. Don't worry we will break that cycle some time. He can lift his head but cant keep it up. He is working on it.
Tenisha: Myself. Justin and i have been married for 4 years this last April. It seems like only yesterday i was seran wrapping his truck. oh the good old days. Care free, not as many bills. I was such a dork dating justin. I'm not one to wear my emotions. I remember the first time i told him i loved him. it was totally by accident. i laughed at myself. I don't remember what we were talking about but i know i said something that surprised him and he said "What?!" and i had to quickly change the subject and blurted out "uh nothing... I love you". then he came back with a bigger "What?!" I realized too late what i said and turned red and said "nothing". I was such a dork. not much has changed. i still am a goof ball. I really dont like to talk about myself but i definately will fill you in on what is happening here.
like kennedy has had a cold these last couple days. she has had a runny nose. we wipe her nose all the time but how do you teach a kid to blow their nose. well justin gave it a try. i laughed so hard. remember i said kennedy will copy anything you do well justin was holding a tissue to her nose and said "now blow" so kennedy looks at him and says "bow" i laughed so hard. she did exactly what he said. you cant falt her. it was really cute. later she figured out how to blow out her nose. That is just as cute.
I didnt realize i'd write this much but i guess a lot has to be said after nothing for 4 years.
Til next time...